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El Sur de Turrubares, Costa Rica March 27, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — kaylataylorbethel @ 4:28 pm

El Sur de Turrubares, Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to in all of my travels. The people were so sweet and humble. The food was rich and full of flavor. I thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Costa Rica and was impacted greatly. A group of seven students and two professors from Bethel University branched out to impact the lives of people in a glocal way by taking an Alternative Spring Break trip to Costa Rica. Each day we learned the culture of the locals as well as working to better their small village. Five families were involved in a group sponsored by GlobeAware called EcoSur. These five families were the the sweetest, most loving people I have ever met. Being away from home for a week and leaving a daughter, fiancé, and family behind was tough, but these people made El Sur feel like home and made the homesickness not so bad. They became our family for the week and showed us the true meaning of family, love, and community.


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